Podcast, Fragile Truths | Season 3, Episode 6 | Unintended Effects: Backlash to aid and undermining social contracts, with Dirk-Jan Koch, Chief Science Officer, Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Campbell, D Oyewole and HJ Swedlund. 2023. “Bridging the Gap between Research and Policy: Lessons from Co-Creation in the Aid Sector.” Duck of Minerva, Bridging the Gap.
S Campbell, D Oyewole and HJ Swedlund. 2023. “Who is in Charge? Power Dynamics and Aid in Africa.” Africa Up Close: A Blog of the Africa Program at the Wilson Center. 3 May.
B Reisberg and HJ Swedlund. 2023. “Opinion: Aid agencies should be more transparent to taxpayers.” DEVEX. 31 March.
M Turolla and HJ Swedlund. 2022. “Understanding youth in Africa beyond age.” Africa at LSE. 16 September.
HJ Swedlund, R Malejacq and M. Lierl. 2021. “”Foreign Aid Won’t Moderate the Taliban.” Foreign Policy. October 27.
S Dietrich, H Hardt, and HJ Swedlund. 2021. “”Elite experiments: Strengthening scholarship while bridging the gap,” Duck of Minerva. 10 June.
M Lierl and HJ Swedlund. 2021. ““To understand the implications of different aid modalities, we need to analyse the bargaining logic between donors and recipient governments”, Development Policy Review (commentary).
ME Desrosiers and HJ Swedlund. 2020. “Aid giving to post-genocide Rwanda reflects larger patterns with authoritarian states.” Africa at LSE. March 2.
M Ferry and HJ Swedlund. 2019. “Overview of the global presence and impact of emerging donors.” Analysis and Policy Brief: European Expert Network on International Cooperation and Development.
HJ Swedlund. 2017. “There’s another big reason U.S. foreign aid is important: It helps the U.S. get what it wants.” The Washington Post. 19 July.
HJ Swedlund. 2017. “Foreign aid’s commitment problem.” The First Tranche, AidData’s Blog. 15 September.
HJ Swedlund. 2017. “Is China displacing traditional aid donors in Africa? The evidence suggests not.” The Conversation. 27 February.
Republished in: MSN Money, Quartz-Africa, AllAfrica.com, The Star (Kenya), China File, Asia Times, The New Age (South Africa)
HJ Swedlund. 2015. “Why donors demand elections after unrest in developing countries.” The Washington Post. 11 December.